terms and conditions

Please read the followings terms and conditions of use carefully before exploring and using this Website.

Welcome to www.motherofease.com (the “Website” and “Site”). These Terms and Conditions of Use (the “Agreement”) apply to any access to or use of this Website or any content from this Website. This Website is owned and operated by Krishon L. Farley (Kris Elle) of Mother of Ease LLC out of the state of North Carolina.

Consenting to Terms and Conditions on this Website:

By visiting and using www.motherofease.com, you are consenting to the terms and conditions set forth by www.motherofease.com and agree to and will abide by its terms and conditions of use. If you do not agree and abide by these terms and conditions of use, you will not use this Website and will also not distribute its content or purchase its services.

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No Medical Advice on this Website:

This Website is erected and intended for informational purposes only. No information on this Website is medical advice. No information on this Website should be determined or used as medical advice. The Website owner Krishon L. Farley (Kris Elle) of Mother of Ease LLC and www.motherofease.com are not medical providers, medical staff, medical personnel or clinical care providers. No information or “content” including from blog posts, articles, comments, texts, photographs, videos or any “content” created or arranged or on this website should be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness, sickness, or disease. No information provided exclusively by the site owner of www.motherofease.com has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). No information on this Website is a substitution for medical advice or medical treatment. This Website does not recommend that you use its information as a prescription or license to treat any medical concern, isssue, or event of you, your family, or any person you share any information on this site with. This Website maintains its stance as a 100% non-medical, non-clinical informational platform that holds zero liability for any decision(s) and/or action(s) of any user(s). Please consult your doctor or your chosen qualified medical or health care professional for any medical information and any health care related concerns or inquiries. Absolutely no information from this Website should be used for any medical or health issues or concerns, or diagnoses or treatments or diseases or cures of any kind under any circumstances.

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Copyright and Intellectual Property Ownership on this Website:

All “content”, pertaining to: blog posts, articles, any written work and text, photographs and videos on this website and all copyrights and trademarks and logos and slogans and intellectual property on this website is the sole property of www.motherofease.com and the site owner, unless otherwise owned by third-parties or partners that will be clearly listed and noted for differentiation - yet still requires honoring of third party intellectual property and copyright rights. Under no circumstances may you take any “content” from this site and use it, distribute or manipulate it as your own. By using this site and agreeing to its terms and conditions of use, you recognize that all content on this website is protected as a compilation owned by www.motherofease.come and Krishon L. Farley (Kris Elle) under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. Any content that you share must be wholly credited to www.motherofease.com and linked back to the original station of residency on this website. You may not cut, copy and paste any materials listed on this website as a redaction for you own purpose or whole material to use as of it were your own material, for any purpose. You must always link any information on this website back to the Site owner.

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