classes & support groups

MOE’s virtual classes and support groups are hosted on its HIPAA-secure home at Mahmee. Therapeutic but non-clinical in nature or delivery - these are transparent gatherings of discovery and solidarity. These classes and support groups are intimate and require a commitment to privacy for expressed narratives of any fellow attendees.

Classes and Support Groups:

Ask This Black Doula: a candid Q&A edu-session powered by your most pressing questions and this Black doula’s answers about all things pregnancy, labor + birth and the early postpartum period. Designed to encourage you as you’re journeying to new, or new again parenthood. Partners are encouraged to attend.

Birthing Conversations for the Culture: an open and supportive dialogue to discuss pregnancy, labor + delivery, and early postpartum experiences from the lived perspective of Black mothers on American soil.

Labor + Birth, Physiologically Speaking: this class offers invaluable insight into the power of the mind and the orchestra of natural body processes that work together to welcome a physiologic birthing experience.

What You Need To Know About Breastfeeding Your Newborn: this class is designed to provide new, and new again mothers with vital and incredibly helpful information about breastfeeding their newborns. Class will include experience-based and research-founded information on topics such as: preparation during pregnancy, myths and culturally-relevant considerations, milk production and hormones, the Baby-Friendly® designation, feeding cues and encouraging an effective latch, and how to design a supportive breastfeeding environment. There will be room for Q&A’s after class to provide an exceptionally supportive experience.

Midnight Like a Mother: 12:00AM ET soothing while soothing hour. Middle of the night feedings and fussings can leave us feeling raw, inadequately supported and quite vulnerable. Kris holds a middle-of-the-night space each week for mommas up and stretched thin during late nights with babies. Embrace of emotions and words of wisdom abound.

Postpartum + Marriage/Motherhood/Me: this support group is for mothers seeking comfort in the coupledom between their early postpartum years and their marriages, their motherhoods, and their (me) selves. Massaging the places where we can garner and mother ease.