One Simple Product to Soothe an Ear Infection

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Believe it or not, I birthed and nurtured four whole children before ever battling an ear infection. And I say battle, but my fifth and eternal baby had an ear infection on one afternoon day - momma did some research - and we cleared that thing up by the following morning. Not much of a battle, right?

I was certain it was an ear infection - she had all the tell-tale signs: ear pulling, fever, irritability, restlessness, vocal expressions (she was two at the time) of ear pain. And since I lean towards any natural way of healing, unless synthetic and/or medical intervention is required - it was off to Whole Foods for a tincture of Mullein Garlic Oil.

Mullein Garlic Oil is a blend of extracts from Calendula Flower, St. John’s Wort flowering top, Mullein flower and Garlic bulb. Mullein, in particular, has compounds that are highlighted in traditional herbal medicine as expectorants (these encourage the clearing of mucus) and demulcents (these relieve irritation and/or inflammation of mucous membranes). The extracts from these flowers and bulbs are infused with a carrier oil, often olive, and housed in a dark place (and often bottle) to help preserve it and maintain its potency. Two times in that day, I warmed the bottle in warm water and when the oil was warm, I placed one drop in her ear. Simple as that. And she was back to her bright and bubbly self the very next morning.

If you’re nursing an ear infection, maybe you’ll consider this simple, natural remedy!

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